Kherut is a non-profit empowering women survivors of sex trafficking, domestic violence, sexual abuse, imprisonment, and young women aging out of foster care, in a safe and supportive environment. We provide workforce training, and mentorship leading to long-term career opportunities and a path towards independence within our food services programs.

Why We’re Different

Kherut’s model is unique in the world of workforce training and employment. As a trauma-informed training program and employer, Kherut sets a new standard of creating employment stability leading to overall wellness, building self-confidence, and supporting better mental health. Through partnership with other nonprofit programs, we invite under-employed and un-employable, marginalized women into our nonprofit workforce training program. Our mission…to help create lasting change in the lives of survivors’ by offering job skills leading to long-term career opportunities, not just a transitional steppingstone. 

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“Kherut does more than just help survivors of trafficking and other extreme life challenging circumstances. It gives them the long-term skills to work towards their future.”

— Yves Masquefa, Founder

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